Melissa's Blog

Monday, February 9, 2009

Inspection Day

We survived inspection!

The inspector said he wished all houses were as easy as ours, and that we picked a great house. What a huge relief! We'd heard horror stories from other friends who were under contract on houses then come to find that the house needed major repairs. I was a little afraid to fall completely in love with the house until I knew that everything was in good working order. So now I'm 100% in love and ready to move in!

Although there were no major problems, here are some of the issues that came up:

-electrical outlets in some rooms have an open ground (Eric tried to explain, but I still don't quite get it)
-guest bathroom sink has very low water pressure coming through the faucet
-some tree limbs are close to the power lines
-basemet stairway needs a handrail
-the circuit breaked for the A/C unit is the wrong size
-the vent from the master bath shower is stuck in the "open" position, so rodents and squirrels could get in (really got to get that one fixed!!)
-attic doesn't seal all the way
-other small electrical issues (I don't totally understand)

We also noticed that we don't have a garbage disposal, but it's a huge deal to me. We can always put one in later.

We've also submitted all of our paperwork for the mortgage, so we are waiting to hear if we will need to submit anything else. The mortgage company is also planning to do the appraisal in the next few days as well. Let's hope the house appraises for more than we paid for it!


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